sábado, 9 de junio de 2007

THE JAIVAS: Of Heights of Macchu Picchu (Pablo Neruda)

Year 1981, the legendary Chilean group the JAIVAS, execute the one that I create is its musical work culminates, when musicalizar verses of General Canto of Pablo Neruda in “Heights of Macchu Picchu”.

I grew as a child seeing fragments of these aged and significant videos, so many other times we listened to them and we sang in the School, in the University, with friends, in my house, and soliloquio of the sacred moments. I saw in addition one and thousand times buzeando in vastness to the poetry of Nobel vate, and so many other times I fell as swift-sailing in shipwreck in the abysses of the infinite General Song, that is a antoloógica Oda to the American towns. They could spend thousand years, but the song to the stone over stone, to the pain the towns and the hope, it will follow as effective as the fastuosa evidence of the ruins of the sagrada city, that I in the future hope near to know.

Today, when one sometimes almost resigns that it is the search of the remasterizado DVD (pirate most of the times) or that some friend removes from his collection and shares this compilation who from insurance keeps like a family treasure, I am whereupon the Internet, this so vile and unjustly beaten tool of the globalización (of the knowledge and the leisure) me offers in own my fauces it for usufructo spiritual, and who today I hope to share with my captives and occasional readers. Of insurance, I will be i myself that goes on more than one ocassion to redescubrir and evoking the songs and the letters accompanied by vast Andean sounds, of the piano, the sintetizadores sicodélicos, the rock of the electrical guitars and the low one, everything amalgamated with the vigor and forces of the battery of the remembered Gabriel Parra (papa of Juanita, its successor). The rock, sicodelia setentera and the mixture of folcklore Latin American Andean, give the fresh and galloping frame him to the Nerudianos verses, that paradoxicalally they had to rise until the ceilings of America, to discover where they were the true roots.

Total time You Tube video: 27 ' 11 ''

It breaks the wave and the wind doubles the bells of Black Island by the happiness of the poet, accompany inmortales the Cat Alquinta and Gabriel Parra already, of distant spot the mortals: Mario Mutis, Eduardo Parra, Claudius Parra and Juanita Parra.

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