sábado, 9 de junio de 2007

Buenosairean elections to turnios eyes…

For a foreigner, including one relatively “mateo one” and interested in daily and historical occurring of the Argentina policy, understanding it it often can be an arduous process and something unfruitful. It is more, I am convinced than most of the Argentineans they understand neither the less they try to understand it intrincate history of Peronisms and local anti-Peronism of lefts and rights, Radicalismos and another grass. Nevertheless I see that they are revuelcan rather more in ideologized and abosolutos speeches than those that a modern society requires, since many arguments smell of the old estatista, subsidiary and asistencialista Peronism of years '50, protector of a national industry based fundamentally on the wealth of the field and their monocultures and other industries that resisted the attack of the 2001 and have resurged strongly between in the last three years by the reactivation of the internal demand. All this, accompanied by a confused and rigid union network, that in my opinion in many cases feeds great personal interests and very little they serve in general the real rights as the workers. On the other hand the employees of the immense fiscal apparatus, and among them a good amount that has made use of historical the payer box of favors that is the Argentine state apparatus, contributes to the struggle with greater or smaller virulence by the increase of wages and exemptions, sure is, all much more do it there of which the macroeconomic elastic ignored one needs in the long term not to end up cutting itself by its conjuncturally thinner side (llámese hyperinflation, discount to retired and state, default, corralito, suspension, etc…. = POVERTY). And it is that to give back something of the social dignity lost and mancillada for many families, the working working-class and the weak Argentine middle-class it needs to frighten the ghost that frightens and aterra, (since the one of a new dictatorship happily has dissipated) and is that the country does not return to fall in “escrache” social like the one of the 2001 and for many, that is obtained preventing that gains the ideological adeversario to which they demonizan like the representatives of the fatídicos years '90 that as much they detest, and that they personify well in everything what the poíticas of ex--Minister Cavallo and with long thick sideburns that remember to… (Menem) then already they know so that the fear no? … since after to have undergone the great embaucamiento of which not to need visa to go to Miami you are in the first world, great and traumatic it was the cold bath of reality that we know well. (Embaucamiento almost as great as the one that before tried the ex- Argentine dictator making believe to good part of the sacrificed one and tormenting country that the war ofthe Falklands was it winning).

In the other path, a young industralist who is owner of several freeways of Buenos Aires, in addition to the recolectora concessionary company of the sweepings and others more, President of the most popular equipment, and than in the '90 had positions before justice by evasion of taxes next to his father, both of extremely neoliberal thoughts, (for the Argentineans coverall). He is the one who he loves to give back to this country his romance with noventero Capitalism, say. Many fear that only it wants to increase his fortune personal since has one long history of supposed frauds and dark businesses. And it is that from his profile and its campaign it is possible to be gotten to think about that their Proposals are only appearances of best Populism. It chose for example, like companion of disabled political formula to one to which it makes dance in his wheelchair and misery enters “villas for the first time” (campings) to photograph itself and to give speeches with a poor girl to whom it makes sick to him to take the hand and it puts in those places impeccably lustrados wood platforms not to soil his mocacines. It is that it is urgent to see itself to him near the town, his weaker aspect. Nevertheless it is necessary to say that it puts emphasis in which it represents a new form to make policy and in which comes “the change” (it sounds to them similar) accentuating in the management, the citizen security and in the integral improvement of the services of Buenos Aires with a designed campaign to avoid conflicts and attacks and to open to more space towards the political center and the indecisos, coverall those that see with good eyes a counterbalance the hegemonic present government, whom from the Pink one it loves to control it everything, and where every day there is less space for the divergence and the control, since almost all the provinces by political necessity or conveniences also support it. The parliament as well, is widely pro-government and justice and the press must resist continuous attacks to make their work and to try to hurgar in some cmplejas recent edges of corruption. If until a the own Ministers see prisoners them of the unrestricted application of the prevailing personalista presidential formula, then many wanted a small relief and counterbalance to the power, and the only one that can try to be it is Macri, inclusively has thought to vote it who for a time he would be unimaginable. Perhaps and something more, much fan of Mouth, electing neophyte, votes blindly to its President of equipment because they see the city as another Chocolate box (sic)… sure those already is other varaibles… yyy what to do no?
Then, we have to candidate that leads the pro-government formula - FILMUS- that enjoys the support of all the state apparatus and the electoral machine Justicialista, to revert its second place (difficult dice the difference of first return) and to the front - MACRI-, that has the ample advantage of the first return as a good capital of saving and a team of campaign advisers which they have not left anything at random, capitalizing an important sector of Buenosairean that they want to prove with a formula different from which has been in the last years old, where no from the four last heads of the government of the city chosen by popular vote have been able to complete its mandates. It is very difficult to try to deepen more in the subject in only lines, but I wanted to express something of which I have been able to gather more of environment, total of fears than of certainties about one or another candidate, and of course, many of them will vote to whom they find the smaller one badly, or simply they will do it in target. Mainly the left, that has not known to take advantage of the immense social base that it had between 2001 and 2003 and has been entangled in its internal disputes for arrived at this completely atomized election and risking not to obtain representation or only one minimum mention. But something is sure is the deep distrust that the common citizen feels towards the political class and the future in general.

So far it is to wait for what passes the 24 of June in ballotage and soon the beginning of the race by the Pink House will come in the next months (2008), and although it seems that the battle is ahead of time won by Mr. or Mrs. K, I I would not dare to project with as much certainty which can happen in this pretty box of called Pandoras Argentina. (To see inferior box, of configuration of the Buenosairean Legislature after the election of last Sunday)
PS: it notes that the political forces that they obtain to pains tenth of % in the votes, have his corresponding representative in the Parliament of the Province (not to forget that he is a federal government) and thus is an ample diversity reflected in the benches, not as it so happens in ours “halabada democracy” of the exclusions in Chile. Let us hope do not waver the Chilean progressive forces in obtaining so longed for deepening of the democracy.

Key data: More of the 30 percent of the register the last Sunday did not go to the ballot boxes. They are 792,709 possible votes in search of owner.

THE JAIVAS: Of Heights of Macchu Picchu (Pablo Neruda)

Year 1981, the legendary Chilean group the JAIVAS, execute the one that I create is its musical work culminates, when musicalizar verses of General Canto of Pablo Neruda in “Heights of Macchu Picchu”.

I grew as a child seeing fragments of these aged and significant videos, so many other times we listened to them and we sang in the School, in the University, with friends, in my house, and soliloquio of the sacred moments. I saw in addition one and thousand times buzeando in vastness to the poetry of Nobel vate, and so many other times I fell as swift-sailing in shipwreck in the abysses of the infinite General Song, that is a antoloógica Oda to the American towns. They could spend thousand years, but the song to the stone over stone, to the pain the towns and the hope, it will follow as effective as the fastuosa evidence of the ruins of the sagrada city, that I in the future hope near to know.

Today, when one sometimes almost resigns that it is the search of the remasterizado DVD (pirate most of the times) or that some friend removes from his collection and shares this compilation who from insurance keeps like a family treasure, I am whereupon the Internet, this so vile and unjustly beaten tool of the globalización (of the knowledge and the leisure) me offers in own my fauces it for usufructo spiritual, and who today I hope to share with my captives and occasional readers. Of insurance, I will be i myself that goes on more than one ocassion to redescubrir and evoking the songs and the letters accompanied by vast Andean sounds, of the piano, the sintetizadores sicodélicos, the rock of the electrical guitars and the low one, everything amalgamated with the vigor and forces of the battery of the remembered Gabriel Parra (papa of Juanita, its successor). The rock, sicodelia setentera and the mixture of folcklore Latin American Andean, give the fresh and galloping frame him to the Nerudianos verses, that paradoxicalally they had to rise until the ceilings of America, to discover where they were the true roots.

Total time You Tube video: 27 ' 11 ''

It breaks the wave and the wind doubles the bells of Black Island by the happiness of the poet, accompany inmortales the Cat Alquinta and Gabriel Parra already, of distant spot the mortals: Mario Mutis, Eduardo Parra, Claudius Parra and Juanita Parra.

30 Years of History, Welcome Internet 3.0: the “SEMANTIC WEB”

Web 3.0:
The new promise of Internet
While the great companies of softwares develop programs that wear with the concept of Web 2,0, the arrival of the “Semantic Web” tries to improve the form that Internet must to identify the requirements search, interpreting the criteria granted by the user.

This month the 30 years of the Internet creation were celebrated, but the network of networks does not leave space to the inmovilidad, and while still the communications of the “2,0 Web Expo” - made in the United States in the middle of April are praised/poured off, the super highway of the information already promises a new turn: Web 3.0.

If Web 2,0 it in center put the user, and it gave the power him on the contents published in Internet through wikis, blogs, Simple Really Sindicate and tagging, Web 3,0 it wants to influence in the schemes that the network has to identify the requirements of the users.

Until now, when a navigator requires information must enter specific criteria search, that throw results in which appears the key word. Nevertheless, “Web 3,0”, or “semantic Web”, he promises that the system will have the capacity to interpret an oration and to throw specific results… [CONTINUES ==>]

==> Haga click and reads the plaintext HERE of: “30 Years of History, Welcome Internet 3.0: the “SEMANTIC WEB "",

RON MUECK. The hyperrealism transgressor of a genius

This entrance I will dedicate it to an artist who me soprende and affects, without a doubt a genius. It would bet to be in the correct thing when thinking that its work will extend long and emphasize by on its contemporaries. This revolutionary in the art of the sculpture, hiper-realistic, is called Ron Mueck. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1958.

Mueck privileges the naked one, like in old Greece, emphasizing in its works, the physical presence, its robustness and weight. Or it had his art exposed in the greater galleries of the world and the event of his first exhibition was uproarious, not excento of controversy, transgressor par excellence, or by its art or the impact that it causes.

I leave some photos of its works and in the video in Tube, it appreciates a little clearer the true magnitude of his living, total sculptures of humanity and life… a delight. As it said the great “J.M”, “an image is worth more than thousands shovel ........ brás”. To verrr?

Marine and the fiancèe

Thousands of people request in Washington the retirement of Iraq

The American Nina Berman remained with the first place of the category Pictures, with an image of marine American that returned of Iraq contracting marriage.

While until the 15 of February of this year, they already add 3,130 the number of died North American soldiers in Iraq from the beginning from the invasion to the country in March of 2003, and transform to this war into the second most expensive one of the history only surpassed by World War II, marine returns to its country with the evident vestiges of the irrational battle fought with dark motivations of bottom by the foreign policy of a government who just begins to understand size computational error.

The image, was winning in its category of the annual aid of Wold Press Photo and it shows the human side to us after you cold dead and wounded numbers of that arrive day to us at day. Meanwhile, not even we reached to determine the proportions the massacre that is lived in Iraq after the fall of Hussein, where has occurred loose rein to the religious passions between Sunitas and Shiítas. Thus, on the one hand we have the dogmatismo of a super intolerante power, and by another one the religious and ideological dogmatismo of brothers who cannot share the Earth and where justice is in the gift and the hands with blood and whose final result is a right powder magazine in the heart of the hinge between the West and orients, cradles of the civilization (paradoxicalally) and owner of the greater reserves of crude.

The elocuencia of the image, rescues rictus of a fiancèe with the taciturn face, in signal of which it only obtains the love. Love that is perhaps the best prescription to restrain a so useless and sterile war as this one, or rather, almost the best prescription (after petroleum, of course, in the facts - in sum after the money). Happy day of the enamored ones…

“One”, and my discovery of the Heavy Metal

A small tribute for my friends who know that I speak to them in these letters and that they recognize in the attached videos the roots of real the first one to discover the world, and with those who a day, between practices of athletics under the rain, one that another one “pichanga” and chess; I discovered the magic of the rock, the metal… of heavy metal and we threw in hours and hours of sounds, cassettes and VHS, the fiber of all that immense family of sounds and self-assurance. For many estridencias, madness, I release the brakes and for those who did not manage by lack of vision or vocation to feel the true magic of a classic one of all the time like “One”, at the best time of METALLICA and its And for Justice All, will be able to discover their virtuous, pure and classic resemblance, in the passion and the magic of the hoops of Apocalyptica. There they are the same intensity that we knew and that opened the doors to us of the metallic rock which we enjoyed amply when adolescent, and where today we can seat calmly to continue moving the head and to find the balance between two bands that are nothing of dissidents and total in sounds brothers and agreed lovers. Beyond the gestual of our anxious heads and shocks of then, permenece today intact shaking, the one that today not only is of self-assurance, but of thought, memories, friendship and already with the total conviction of those who we continued thinking that the Metal was born it stops by always, to remain in all who we discovered that the silverplated sound of guitars, low batteries and, is in perfect harmony with the history of the man and the social processes of the humanity and the societies, and is in the gallery of the goddess music, next to the geniuses: Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Liszt and by all means, J.S. Bach, perhaps the one that composed the first great “rock” of history.

Go for You in special, a great hug.

Airs of San Telmo: “typical orchestras”, pure magic

To be walking by the streets of one of the most typical districts of Buenos Aires, romantic and nostalgic San Telmo, once aristocrtático district that took step today to the Bohemian corner where nobody must be astonished if of suddenly, a Sunday in the evening, finds in its narrow streets of paving stones and buildings of colonial balconies with mix of neoclassic architecture, baroque delayed and remarcados the Rococo; a thick masonry in reasons and greco-Roman forged bronze adornments, doors like merengues. Everything between tempting aromas of the best tradition in stuffed pastes and their varieties of sauces; next to mature cheeses, red, of fresh cultures and, more beer, pizzas to the stone and the always present smoky barbecues. To happened the stores and more stores, whole galleries of antiguedades that transport until the lukewarm reign of the vinyl and the ether, where the phonographs and the vitrolas coexist between lamps of tears, suitcases that never were opened more, and whichever device and piece of passed one can imagine.

When walking I see in the structures that the fused iron seems as docile as the clay. There they are following our step heads of lion, cupolas, clocks, cupidos and angels, everything what in Santiago the earthquake rollover implacable has been leaving in the ground, lives here in the calm of a district that has identity and own life.

The popular mimos, singers and craftsmen seem personages removed from a Buenosairean and typical magical realism… In spite of all that, mortal common and current like I, who enjoys like walks the future evoking the past that has not lived and that apparently lived, with pleasing and astonishment, more without perplegia; that until I give of you brush with the agreed ones of a piano and after him, a Typical Orchestra; that yes - to less for me he has been something very special. I continue the way embelesado by milongueados flats and 2X4, one more a block advanced a new piano. And it is that path and planted with the property of that one always thought has there, in the heat of been in that place, is he with amazing shining tones in #440 brioso, refulgientes white bones, undamaged ebonies in perfect acoustic box. He is without a doubt, something that one must share, although the franciscana poverty of the pixelaje and the audio digitalis before the reality, are extremely stingy, but the sensitivity of a lover of the extrapolar life will be able as the way corresponds… is cut when a piano smiles, in the middle of the street, invites to you to take a break and is that in going and coming from its naked hammers, one seemed to see give birth notes and with them to form that perfect smile of satiricón. The rest are to give themselves to the enjoyment of violins, contrabass player and bandoneones that cries of happiness or sadness, but apparently always cry and sigh like widowers of a time that will not return.

Beyond the lírica that can emanate of which I write, since in essence which I saw is pure and simple poetry, permítanme here a reflection. The cultural identity of the towns is something dynamic, in permanent evolution. Many would be surprised including as it is that many Argentineans see with distance and disdain the tango, as if outside the Eastern dance of another culture and and the Nordic come to live it as if outside the own one. It wanted to invite them then to think with the words of a Chilean tangómano of excellence: (He is not Jose Miguel Insulza, but they have much in common)
“We were more actually with our identity than in the theory and the tango is, first that nothing, the practice of a dance that surpassed its condition of folclor to become a universal art. Thus, the tango represents our identity before the complete planet. It is an identity that never will be swept by the globalización, because it already comprises of the globalización. When Finnish, Japanese or Germans dance tango feel it like something own: as of his popular and local origin he was able to impregnate imaginary the world-wide one. It is a phenomenon citizen, like the jazz, and as powerful as the flamenco Andalusian. Astor Piazzolla took this inheritance and it positioned it between summits of world-wide classic music. By all this, desire to incorporate this art like one of the expressions of our identity with the glance put in the bicentennial. It would be a justice act towards our quality of citizens of the South Cone. We would see appear part thus of our ample identity. He is not preposterous to fight so that Santiago - outside of being a financial center for Latin America it is the seat of a summit of tango that reunites to Argentineans, Uruguayan and Chilean. This yes would be to take itself in serious our being leaves from the South Cone. ” (Fernando Flores, to see complete article: The tango impregnates our identity)

As he shows of which this is certain, the tourists of all mudno can feel these days that one of the milongueras and tangómanas cities of the world is our dear “Main Port”, where exists a tango with identity of hills and elevators, that by these Valparaiso days is without a doubt, the world-wide capital of the Tango. (to see: Perhaps Valparaíso, 7ª World-wide Summit of the Tango) is the art the Maxima expression of real integration and pluralism since in his universalidad, they do not exist the true one to feel of the cross-sectional and democratic arts, border nationalities nor. To only reflect.

Typical orchestra: “Fervor de Buenos Aires”
Typical orchestra: “La Furca”

MATUTINAL REFLECTIONS… (or “fish heads”)

MATUTINAL REFLECTIONS… (or “fish heads”)

Photo: “dieciochero” fish of the fluvial wharf Shuster, Valdivia

The truth is that there am been slow to publish. I do not want to write something wise, because average I am already burned at this point of the year, after pretty '18 in house, the year goes away to us as a sigh, but I will try to count something of which I see from the foreigner of my dear country through the leafed through ones of written press and noticiarios.

to ==>Continuar here reading plaintext of this entrance

Majestic it is the white mountain.

Majestic it is the white mountain.

A look to our beautiful mountain range, that that unites and separates (Chi-Arg)… the one that differentiate to us and sister to us to us. As omnipresent as quiet, so uproarious in short whiles, as invisible… they are the trasandinos of others… does not matter, the images are more eloquent.

Reflections: Globalización

Reflections: Globalización

The dictionary of the Real Academy in its edition of year 2001 incorporates the concept for the first time globalización of the following way: Tendency of the markets and the companies to extend, reaching a world-wide dimension that exceeds the national borders.

That is to say, it exclusively circumscribes it to the economic thing. Nevertheless the definción that makes Him Mònde Diplomàtiqué, also deepens in this sense: One is about more and more narrow interdependence and the imbricación of the economies of numerous countries, mainly the financial sector, since the freedom of circulation of financial flows is total and makes that this sector dominates, very ampliemante on the economic scale.

The economist Luis Riveros, ex--Director of the University of Chile and present repostulante to the same one, affirms on the matter: we are living a unique stage on the humanity, in which a world-wide convergence without precedents in economic aspects is taking place, political, technological and in a series of scopes in which, traditionally, the nations showed divergent tendencies or, at least, independent. Inclusively there are some who, like Torcuato Di Tella, they indicate that: the globalización is a phenomenon whose origins go back to the time of the discovery and by sea conquers of the New World and the arrival of the Portuguese to East.

Sin duda, la globalización se manifiesta en procesos que nunca antes en la historia habían tenido la potencia de carácter planetario e intensidad como algunos de los actuales. Los tres aspectos más notorios del fenómeno son: la economía, la teconología y las comunicaciones. Señalar sólo los efectos negativos de la globalización es una gran injusticia; la circulación mundial de los bienes y servicios, el gozar de espectáculos culturales, artísticos o deportivos al instante y a miles de Kms. de distancia o el bajo costo de aceso a artículos fruto de la tecnificación global, permiten mayor bienestar y elevación cultural y económica a una gran cantidad de personas que de otra forma sería imposible de lograr.

==>Continúe leyendo texto completo de esta entrada aquí

Water, light and Internet?

Water, light and Internet?

Thus it is, as we have assumed as society that we must count all with certain basic services that they allow to minimum conditions of interconnection and civilization, as they are: water, a network of sewage system, electricity, ways and other that little by little have been gaining space to such point to be widely amassed like the telephony and access to mass media. Then already it is hour that we become aware, that as well as per years was a dream the electricity in the field, as well as the potable water and the sewage system were the great yearning for many populations until a time ago, today exists a new challenge that many not yet seem to understand like so: finishing with the new and wild form of exclusion that many undergo when prevailing to them the access to the great highway of the information, day to day I see as they circulate and they live like zombies, a great amount of human beings that conscious or unconsciously walk completely without information in this new Babylonia, which ameneza with creating two parallel worlds and one more and more asymmetric society, where in a flank they are the illiterate digitalises and in another one the alphabetized ones that can enjoy the advantages of the limitless information and the multiple global interconnection at all level.

This is the new form of segregation, as long ago they were people without potable water, without network of culverts, access roads to his towns.

Let us understand of once, that the economic and cultural effect of society a disinformed and illiterate digitalis is lethal for the common well-being and a jab to the heart of the equality of opportunities. Access approaches urgently hour to democratizar to Internet and to technologies of science and information (TIC's) in general, if we want to give the jump that we needed, like one of the tendientes measures important to break an evident injustice.

to ==>Continuar here reading plaintext of this entrance

To the memory of the grandpa Alfredo

To the memory of the grandpa Alfredo

I publish this reflection that I made in the entrance of blog of my smaller brother (see: Tatita good bye), that I create it has summarized shiningly the most important characteristics of the Tata Alfredo and reflects feeling that it obstructs us to the distance. Nevertheless, the death in himself forces to us to cultivate the memory permanently. It calls not to let to us pass the opportunity to fasten each detail of the intense life that has left these days, to be by always between us, and iron in the memory of his dear grandsons.

We two and Jaime, our older brother, were their perhaps most lucky grandsons of Angol and for that reason to have it always close. They were many hours of long conversations, much intensity and emotions. Memory those familiar evenings in the great house of Vergara. There we were the Pilín and Winston; Marco, Pato and Javier; sometimes it was the Vane and the Julianne I create; the very small Rutita; vale was a baby. and by all means the Marlene plus the trio of angolinos brothers: Jaime, Gerson and I. Suddenly the dance began, and in the middle of him, music stopped to take step to the tango that all we requested for the pair of owners of house. What follows is pure delight, I saw dance with deep emotion, the tata doing figures in the air to the compass of 2X4 and by all means the foot crossed the central line, went and returned for firulete always skilful to the fast, elegant and coqueto movement to flatter its dear Juana.

==> Lea the plaintext of “A the memory of the grandpa Alfredo”, here.