Buenosairean elections to turnios eyes…
For a foreigner, including one relatively “mateo one” and interested in daily and historical occurring of the Argentina policy, understanding it it often can be an arduous process and something unfruitful. It is more, I am convinced than most of the Argentineans they understand neither the less they try to understand it intrincate history of Peronisms and local anti-Peronism of lefts and rights, Radicalismos and another grass. Nevertheless I see that they are revuelcan rather more in ideologized and abosolutos speeches than those that a modern society requires, since many arguments smell of the old estatista, subsidiary and asistencialista Peronism of years '50, protector of a national industry based fundamentally on the wealth of the field and their monocultures and other industries that resisted the attack of the 2001 and have resurged strongly between in the last three years by the reactivation of the internal demand. All this, accompanied by a confused and rigid union network, that in my opinion in many cases feeds great personal interests and very little they serve in general the real rights as the workers. On the other hand the employees of the immense fiscal apparatus, and among them a good amount that has made use of historical the payer box of favors that is the Argentine state apparatus, contributes to the struggle with greater or smaller virulence by the increase of wages and exemptions, sure is, all much more do it there of which the macroeconomic elastic ignored one needs in the long term not to end up cutting itself by its conjuncturally thinner side (llámese hyperinflation, discount to retired and state, default, corralito, suspension, etc…. = POVERTY). And it is that to give back something of the social dignity lost and mancillada for many families, the working working-class and the weak Argentine middle-class it needs to frighten the ghost that frightens and aterra, (since the one of a new dictatorship happily has dissipated) and is that the country does not return to fall in “escrache” social like the one of the 2001 and for many, that is obtained preventing that gains the ideological adeversario to which they demonizan like the representatives of the fatídicos years '90 that as much they detest, and that they personify well in everything what the poíticas of ex--Minister Cavallo and with long thick sideburns that remember to… (Menem) then already they know so that the fear no? … since after to have undergone the great embaucamiento of which not to need visa to go to Miami you are in the first world, great and traumatic it was the cold bath of reality that we know well. (Embaucamiento almost as great as the one that before tried the ex- Argentine dictator making believe to good part of the sacrificed one and tormenting country that the war ofthe Falklands was it winning).
In the other path, a young industralist who is owner of several freeways of Buenos Aires, in addition to the recolectora concessionary company of the sweepings and others more, President of the most popular equipment, and than in the '90 had positions before justice by evasion of taxes next to his father, both of extremely neoliberal thoughts, (for the Argentineans coverall). He is the one who he loves to give back to this country his romance with noventero Capitalism, say. Many fear that only it wants to increase his fortune personal since has one long history of supposed frauds and dark businesses. And it is that from his profile and its campaign it is possible to be gotten to think about that their Proposals are only appearances of best Populism. It chose for example, like companion of disabled political formula to one to which it makes dance in his wheelchair and misery enters “villas for the first time” (campings) to photograph itself and to give speeches with a poor girl to whom it makes sick to him to take the hand and it puts in those places impeccably lustrados wood platforms not to soil his mocacines. It is that it is urgent to see itself to him near the town, his weaker aspect. Nevertheless it is necessary to say that it puts emphasis in which it represents a new form to make policy and in which comes “the change” (it sounds to them similar) accentuating in the management, the citizen security and in the integral improvement of the services of Buenos Aires with a designed campaign to avoid conflicts and attacks and to open to more space towards the political center and the indecisos, coverall those that see with good eyes a counterbalance the hegemonic present government, whom from the Pink one it loves to control it everything, and where every day there is less space for the divergence and the control, since almost all the provinces by political necessity or conveniences also support it. The parliament as well, is widely pro-government and justice and the press must resist continuous attacks to make their work and to try to hurgar in some cmplejas recent edges of corruption. If until a the own Ministers see prisoners them of the unrestricted application of the prevailing personalista presidential formula, then many wanted a small relief and counterbalance to the power, and the only one that can try to be it is Macri, inclusively has thought to vote it who for a time he would be unimaginable. Perhaps and something more, much fan of Mouth, electing neophyte, votes blindly to its President of equipment because they see the city as another Chocolate box (sic)… sure those already is other varaibles… yyy what to do no?
Then, we have to candidate that leads the pro-government formula - FILMUS- that enjoys the support of all the state apparatus and the electoral machine Justicialista, to revert its second place (difficult dice the difference of first return) and to the front - MACRI-, that has the ample advantage of the first return as a good capital of saving and a team of campaign advisers which they have not left anything at random, capitalizing an important sector of Buenosairean that they want to prove with a formula different from which has been in the last years old, where no from the four last heads of the government of the city chosen by popular vote have been able to complete its mandates. It is very difficult to try to deepen more in the subject in only lines, but I wanted to express something of which I have been able to gather more of environment, total of fears than of certainties about one or another candidate, and of course, many of them will vote to whom they find the smaller one badly, or simply they will do it in target. Mainly the left, that has not known to take advantage of the immense social base that it had between 2001 and 2003 and has been entangled in its internal disputes for arrived at this completely atomized election and risking not to obtain representation or only one minimum mention. But something is sure is the deep distrust that the common citizen feels towards the political class and the future in general.
So far it is to wait for what passes the 24 of June in ballotage and soon the beginning of the race by the Pink House will come in the next months (2008), and although it seems that the battle is ahead of time won by Mr. or Mrs. K, I I would not dare to project with as much certainty which can happen in this pretty box of called Pandoras Argentina. (To see inferior box, of configuration of the Buenosairean Legislature after the election of last Sunday)
PS: it notes that the political forces that they obtain to pains tenth of % in the votes, have his corresponding representative in the Parliament of the Province (not to forget that he is a federal government) and thus is an ample diversity reflected in the benches, not as it so happens in ours “halabada democracy” of the exclusions in Chile. Let us hope do not waver the Chilean progressive forces in obtaining so longed for deepening of the democracy.
Key data: More of the 30 percent of the register the last Sunday did not go to the ballot boxes. They are 792,709 possible votes in search of owner.
Key data: More of the 30 percent of the register the last Sunday did not go to the ballot boxes. They are 792,709 possible votes in search of owner.
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