sábado, 9 de junio de 2007

RON MUECK. The hyperrealism transgressor of a genius

This entrance I will dedicate it to an artist who me soprende and affects, without a doubt a genius. It would bet to be in the correct thing when thinking that its work will extend long and emphasize by on its contemporaries. This revolutionary in the art of the sculpture, hiper-realistic, is called Ron Mueck. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1958.

Mueck privileges the naked one, like in old Greece, emphasizing in its works, the physical presence, its robustness and weight. Or it had his art exposed in the greater galleries of the world and the event of his first exhibition was uproarious, not excento of controversy, transgressor par excellence, or by its art or the impact that it causes.

I leave some photos of its works and in the video in Tube, it appreciates a little clearer the true magnitude of his living, total sculptures of humanity and life… a delight. As it said the great “J.M”, “an image is worth more than thousands shovel ........ brás”. To verrr?

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